We scale
We place over 1 million orders a year across Amazon, Walmart, AliExpress, Sam's Club, and many more.
Order from Amazon, Walmart, AliExpress, and more with a POST
Automatically order on any supported retailer with a single API call.
Customize your order by specifying a maximum fulfillable price, selecting shipping methods, and much more.
Easily get your integration up and running with real-time product details and prices.
Not a developer? We have turnkey solutions for automatic ordering like File Exchange and Managed Accounts.
Always want the cheapest shipping available? Or maybe you need your things as soon as possible and want same day delivery. Zinc can accommodate almost any shipping criteria on an automatic order.
With the Zinc API, you'll get the ability to select the type of shipping speed you want.
Learn MoreThe Zinc API provides first class support for choosing between different types of products. It's easy to choose between different colors, sizes, conditions, and more.
On marketplaces where there are multiple sellers for a single product, you'll be able to filter away sellers based on seller rating, the seller's shipping location, and more.
Learn MoreWhether you have a gift card or a credit card, the Zinc API provides multiple ways to purchase your items. On any of our supported retailers, including Amazon and AliExpress, you can use the gift balance on your account or provide a credit card for your order.
If you leverage our managed accounts, we can provide even more funding methods including PayPal, ACH, and even Bitcoin.
Product prices fluctuate, sometimes wildly. With Zinc, you'll never have to worry about accidentally placing an incredibly costly order.
You can set a maximum fulfillable price on an order to the Zinc API. An error will be returned if the price of the order is above the maximum price.
Get up to date information on every imaginable detail about a product.
The product prices request provides price, seller information, shipping price, and more for every seller of a particular item.
The product details request provides descriptions and variant information (like color and size) for a product.
Get up to date information about where your order is and when it will arrive.
The API will provide you with a tracking number and URL even for orders generally not publicly trackable.
Receive updates when the status of your automatic order changes so you can notify customers, handle disputes, etc.
Retailers including Amazon and Walmart often limit the number of orders you can place per account and the quantity you can purchase of a particular item. Free yourself from all order rate limits with Managed Accounts!
A lot of the hassle around using your own retailer account is related to payment and login. Managed accounts remove those hassles and significantly simplify integration.
Depending on your business requirements, ordering via credit card will hit limits, funding with gift cards can be a chore, and transferring between financial institutions can be a hassle. Often such conversions require a lot of working capital. Easily fund your Zinc Managed Account using a variety of payment methods and we take care of the rest.
If you're purchasing for resale and not subject to sales tax, getting the required certificates and registering them for each retailer account you wish to purchase from takes a long time. We'll help you register your tax exempt reseller status with us once and we'll take care of the rest.
Let us build your browser automation tools so that you can focus on what matters - crafting a superb user experience and growing your business.
ZincWorks lets you access any market data or buy from anywhere.
Depending on your business requirements, ZincWorks can develop a one-off solution or become your secret e-commerce superpower. With more than a decade of experience in the space, we know that execution is the difference between success and failure.
Would you prefer to submit orders via spreadsheet or receive a daily catalog dump via S3 upload? Do you need help building ordering features for an AI chatbot? This and much more is possible with ZincWorks.
Alternatively, check out our api documentation.